[Inkscape To Web]: Make beautiful sites with SVGs In this tutorial we will make a SVG drawing in Inkscape and will use it in a webpage. The goal of this tutorial is to know how to make beautiful SVG Drawing for your website. Before starting you should have following things, Familiarity with SVGs/Inkscape and HTML Inkscape Installed. How to Embbed Step 1: Open Inkscape. Now make a simple Shape. I am making a polygon, [Click on the Image to Enlarge] Step 2: Now save it as a svg. The inkscape saves its files as svgs but it is not compatiable with html. It a lot Inkscape specific(useless) data. To save it as plain Svg. Click on File->Save as. Then from dropdown box in the dialog box. Choose the .PlainSvg. [Click on the Image to Enlarge] Step 3: Now open your favorite code editor i am using the brackets. Now open this .svg File that we just saved using Inkscape. [Click on the Image to Enlarge]
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